
Research interests

Algorithmic game theory; Theoretical computer science
I study the design and analysis of algorithms with economic and societal applications from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Some particular interests include: auction, contract and information design; robustness, simplicity and beyond worst-case analysis; interdependent values; market equilibrium and pricing; fairness; interactions between theory and practice.

I'm happy to be part of the Technion's Theoretical Computer Science Group, the multidisciplinary Game Theory Group, the Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS) Center, and the Center for Humanities & AI (CHAI) Center. Please check out our post-doc opportunities.


Inbal Talgam-Cohen is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department, Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology. Her interdisciplinary work spans computer science, economics and operations research. She received her PhD in computer science from Stanford University (2016, advised by Tim Roughgarden), and her MSc from the Weizmann Institute (advised by Uri Feige), followed by an EU Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship. Inbal's recognitions include the Taub Fellowship, Best Doctoral Dissertation Award from ACM SIGecom, Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (Hsieh Family Fellow), and Best Student Paper Award at ACM EC Conference. Inbal has interned at Microsoft Research and Yahoo! Labs. She also holds a law LLB and served as judicial clerk to Hon. Supreme Court Justice Esther Hayut.



PhD in Computer Science, Stanford University
MSc in Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science
BSc in Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University
LLB in Law, Tel-Aviv University


My research is currently generously supported by a Google Research Scholar award, the Israel Science Foundation (ISF grant), the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF-NSF grant 2132506), and the Israel Council for Higher Education (VATAT prize for data science research).

I gratefully acknowledge past support as a Taub Family Foundation "Leader in Science and Technology" Fellow, an EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Fellow, an I-CORE (Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms) Fellow, the Hsieh Family SIGF (Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship) Research Fellow, and a Google Anita Borg Scholar.


I'm excited to be co-organizing the following events.

Some Upcoming and Recent Talks

Additional presentations can be found under Publications.
Additional tutorials can be found under Teaching.


Program and other committees
2022: FORC, EC (area chair - mechanism design, contract design, auctions and pricing)
2021: STOC, WINE (PC co-chair)
2020: EC (SPC), ICALP, TheWebConf, MD4SG
2019: STOC, EC (SPC), SIGecom Dissertation Award Committee
2017: EC, WWW, IFORS (session organizor)
2015-2016: EC

Editorial boards
2022-today: Co-Editor-in-Chief of SIGecom Exchanges (with Irene Lo)
[Submission guidelines]
2020-2021: Co-Editor-in-Chief of SIGecom Exchanges (with Matt Weinberg)
2013-2015: Co-Editor-in-Chief of ACM XRDS

© 2022 Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Template design by Andreas Viklund