Research group
I'm very fortunate to advise and work with the following excellent students and researchers.-
- Ivan Geffner (co-hosted at IE&M)
- Xin Huang (Aly-Kaufman Post-doctoral Fellow, co-hosted at IE&M)
- Ganesh Ghalme (co-hosted at IE&M) - now at IIT Hyderabad PhD students:
- Tal Alon (direct PhD track, VATAT excellence prize for interdisciplinary data science research)
- Konstantin Zabaranyi (direct PhD track, VATAT data science fellow and excellence prize for interdisciplinary data science research, co-advised with Yakov Babichenko) MSc students:
- Nir Bachrach - MSc thesis "Distributional Robustness: From Pricing to Auctions"
- Ameer Amer - MSc thesis "Auctions with Interdependence and SOS: Improved Approximation" Student visitors:
- Chang Wang (summer 2022)
- Landon Chu (MIT MISTI intern, summer 2021, virtual)
- Magdalen Dobson (MIT MISTI intern, summer 2019)
For students/visitors
Prospective postdocs
Please check out our GameTheory@Technion Group's post-doc opportunities, or contact me directly for a post-doc position at the CS Department.Prospective students
Please see my research topics, as well as these slides introducing my research, and these Hebrew ones (presented at the CS Department's 2020 excellent students meeting).I'm always looking for motivated students with a strong background in math and/or algorithms -- please contact me with your CV (if available) and grade transcripts.
Links I like
Technical resources:
- Useful inequalities
- Taking the dual of an LP
- How to read a paper
- Tim Roughgarden's AGT courses: beginners and advanced
- Jason Hartline's book on mechanism design and approximation
- Regular vs MHR distributions Research community resources:
- Theory Blog Aggregator
- Al Roth's Market Design Blog
- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
- Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG)
- SIGecom Exchanges
- ACM XRDS Student Magazine Career advice:
- The 7-Year Postdoc
- Matt Might's Blog
- The Professor Is In
- Center for Faculty Diversity
- Lean In Fun:
- PhD Comics
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Template design by Andreas Viklund